Pam Pack boys shine on track|Brown has big day

Published 1:15 pm Tuesday, April 27, 2010

By Staff
Staff Reports
Josh Brown had a big day to help lead the Washington Pam Pack to a win over Havelock and West Craven in Monday’s Coastal Conference track meet.
The Pack (8-1-1) finished with 72 points while Havelock (58) took second and West Craven (44) third.
Brown took first in the 110 hurdles (15.36 seconds) and 300 hurdles (41.76). The times were good enough to qualify for regionals. He also took third in the triple jump (40 feet, 6 inches).
“Josh Brown had a big day,” Washington coach Jon Blank said.  “He has constantly been improving and working to qualify, and he finally got there today.  I’m very happy for him considering all the work he has put into his success.”
Brown also helped the 400-meter relay team (1:33.18) and 1,600-meter relay team (3:41) take firsts. He was joined on the 400 team by Raheam Patterson, William Ellegor and Darnell Windley. Brown was joined by Ellegor, Patterson and Raphael Gibbs on the 1,600 team.
Also taking firsts were Malik Moore in the high jump (5-10), Patterson in the long jump (20-4) and Forrest Latham in the discus (109-4).
“The boys pulled out another victory today, but we really have to pull some things together to compete for the conference championship next week,” Blank said.  “It will be difficult to make up for the points that some of the other teams get in the pole vault, but if we all set personal bests during the meet, I think we can come home with the crown.”
Washington (17) took third in the girls meet behind Havelock (80) and West Craven (41).
Alexus Spencer took first in the 300 hurdles (52.77), second in the high jump (4-10) and second in the 100 hurdles (17.58). Haley Hiatt added runner-up finishes in the discus (70-11) and 400 (1:10). Janell Griffin was injured while running the 100 hurdles.
“Alexus Spencer had her best day of the season,” Blank said. “She has refocused herself after some difficulties earlier in the season and should finish very strongly for us.  I think she can really be a positive force for this girls team when she is focused.
“Janell Griffin was looking very strong today in the 100 hurdles and was a step ahead of Havelock’s Amber Ferguson (who was a state qualifier last year) when she took a tough spill with two hurdles to go.  Hopefully, she will recover and compete strongly at the conference championship next week and at regionals the following week.”
The Pack finishes the regular season at home Wednesday against West Carteret and South Central.