SOUND OFF / March 20

Published 12:18 am Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.

I really enjoyed the article on the 108-year-old lady. It is wonderful to know we have a 108-year-old asset living in Beaufort County. Good job, Washington Daily News!

I am a veteran and believe having a sign for Veteran’s Park sounds like a great idea. But, does it have to be made out of gold?

If I decide to move to Spain, I will learn Spanish.

I find it interesting that one of Bill Cook’s actions is to try and disenfranchise people, especially those that don’t have a lot of money.

If the Beaufort County Arts Council thinks a beer garden is going to help anything, thank God my family and children won’t be there.

I totally agree with the statement about spice and bath salts.

To reply to the person who said everyone needs to learn Spanish: I am an English-speaking American and do not need to learn Spanish.

We speak English in the United States of America.

Why does every festival have to have a beer garden?

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