GOP party not over

Published 12:23 am Saturday, March 26, 2011

To the Editor:

A recent story in the WDN was headlined, “The parties over?” because of the growth in the unaffiliated segment of voters! The Republican Party is the only political party growing while the Democratic Party is losing members. My party is not over, far from it!

I didn’t belong to a political party when I first experienced Ronald Reagan. The thrill I got was like the one Chris Matthews got when he first heard Barack Obama. Unlike Matthews’ thrill, mine was followed by sound ideas and policies that turned our country around and led to the greatest growth the country has ever seen. My thrill was far more than just a sound bite. Reagan put a face on conservative Republicanism, a face that even a young inexperienced beginner like me could understand. It wasn’t just about him; it was about an ideal that goes all the way back to our Founding Fathers. It was about the ideals that made our country what it is today. Those ideals are Republican ideals!

Since Reagan, some of our Republican leaders have not followed those Republican ideals. They replaced some of them with their own more moderate ideals which, in most cases, were far from what the grassroots Republicans believed. Many people, believing that the Party no longer represented their views, chose to leave and become independent. Some people, myself included, decided to stay and try to take our Party back and return it to those Reagan ideals again.

I’m reminded of a story I heard about an aircraft carrier during WWII that was engaged in a tremendous battle in the Pacific. It was attacked by Japanese airplanes and Kamikaze pilots and was badly damaged. So damaged that the Japanese reported it sunk after seeing it listing to the side with tremendous fires burning. However, the men aboard the carrier didn’t give up and continued to fight the fires and were able to limp to port for repairs. The Japanese were very surprised when fighter planes from that carrier once again attacked their ships.

A few years ago, the Republican Party was listing to the side and on fire! Thanks to the people who stayed on board, and the people who left but joined like-minded groups like the Tea Party and most independents, we were able to surprise many people in the 2010 elections. Yes, some of those old leaders are still there, but not as many as there used to be. There are many new believers in those Reagan ideals, but not as many as there needs to be! Most of the voters that left our Party are conservative, and when the Republican Party gives them conservative candidates and conservative ideas, they will vote Republican. When the Republican Party once again promotes Reagan conservative ideals, we will welcome those independents back to help us fight those future fires.

I am a Reagan conservative Republican and my Party is not over, far from it!

