SOUND OFF / May 15, 2011

Published 1:40 am Sunday, May 15, 2011

Good editorial on ferry tolls. Last Sunday we took the Bayview/Aurora ferry. There were six employees plus one captain. There were only six cars. Ten dollars a trip? Cut out three employees and charge $2 a trip. It would be well worth it.
Could you repeat Mr. Steve Atkins’ letter to the editor that I keep hearing about? Somehow I missed it. Also, many thanks to the Washington Daily News. We would be lost without it. We love the printed word. Thank you.
Editor’s note: We plan to reprint Mr. Atkins’ letter as soon as possible.

You don’t have to cut or raise taxes to survive in this county. You could quit subsidizing medical centers because everyone knows that it was losing money before the face-lift was ever done. The board and the county commissioners should be held responsible.
By law, people are required to have insurance on cars. Is not health insurance for people more important?
To charge going across the Pamlico River is an absolute outrage, and if people working at PCS had any gumption they would be protesting at the entrance of the ferry when they were not working.
I am trying to look over the sports section on Friday the 13th. It is pitiful. Nothing listed about any of the golf at the Player’s Championship. Your sports section stinks.