SOUND OFF / May 17, 2011

Published 12:52 am Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.

There has been an overflow of admissions to Beaufort County Medical Center because of the improper use of bath salts and the use of “spice,” also known as synthetic marijuana. It is important that our county commissioners get involved with local merchants who are selling them in our area so that we can stop the abuse of these drugs.

We have a panhandling problem on River Road.

How about telling us what the latest news is on the hospital.

Everyone needs to remember, as boating season approaches, to be careful on the river.

Sound Off comments are screened for subject matter, clarity and length of message. Comments about private businesses (except the WDN) and some individuals are not allowed. On occasion, we cease publishing comments about topics that have been fully discussed in Sound Off. Call 252-940-4215 to comment, (30 seconds maximum time). (All submissions are subject to editing).