Happy Birthday to LVBC

Published 12:37 am Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Virginia Jenks is president of the Literacy Volunteers of Beaufort County. She writes today on behalf of the LVBC board of directors.

Literacy Volunteers of Beaufort County will celebrate its 10th anniversary later this year, providing free, confidential one-on-one tutoring in reading, writing, speaking and mathematics to legal adult residents of Beaufort County. The organization has served as many as 100 clients in a single year on an annual budget averaging less than $20,000. Last year, LVBC volunteers logged a total of 3,000 hours tutoring and providing leadership to the organization worth an estimated $64,000, according to the independent sector. Federal data indicates that 16 percent of Beaufort County’s adult population functions at low levels of literacy and could benefit from reading and writing instruction (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2003). The job market landscape has been completely altered. With a surplus of job-seekers, more and more businesses require employees to possess a high school diploma, GED or pass a basic skills test. Employers considering a move to Beaufort County seek job applicants who have work-force skills with proven proficiency in reading and mathematics. Some applicants may have work skills to fill a job but can’t get hired because they can’t read. LVBC can help prepare potential employees for the GED or occupational certification exam. Among our clients, we have mothers who want to read notes from their child’s teacher; parents and grandparents who want to help with homework; people who want to get their driver’s licenses, patients who need to read  prescription labels; military enlistees who wish to improve ASVAB (recruitment test) scores; and people who want to read the Bible. LVBC helps meet all of these needs, with goals defined by the clients who ask for its services.

Beaufort County government has annually contributed approximately the cost of 10 months’ rent. The remaining funds have been obtained from a variety of sources, including the Beaufort County United Way, fundraising events and direct donations. If we are to continue to be of assistance to the community, our organization needs the financial support of the county we are trying to serve. We respectfully urge the county commissioners to reconsider their initial proposal and restore funding to Literacy Volunteers of Beaufort County.