Court cases moved

Published 12:52 am Friday, August 12, 2011

Heather H. Tetterton, 40, is scheduled to appear in Beaufort County District Court on Oct. 6 to answer to drug-related charges.

Tetterton’s cases had been on the court calendar for Thursday, but were continued until the October date. Her lawyer is Franz Holscher, according to court documents.

She was arrested Sept. 24, 2010, and charged with two felony counts of embezzlement of a controlled substance by employee, two felony counts of possession with intent to sell and deliver a controlled substance and one misdemeanor count of possession of a controlled substance.

Tetterton, who lived at 401 Harvey Road, Washington, at the time she was arrested, was released from custody after a bondsman posted a $14,000 secured bond.

Tetterton’s arrest stemmed from investigators receiving complaints that Tetterton, a former pharmacist at Tayloe’s Hospital Pharmacy, was stealing prescription pain pills and testosterone, an anabolic steroid, from the pharmacy during her employment.

Investigators with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, State Bureau of Investigation and the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy worked together in establishing evidence to substantiate the compliant.

The arrest warrants, issued by Magistrate David A. Curtis, specifically accuse Tetterton of stealing 10 dosage units of hydrocodone and one vial (2,000 mg/10 ml) of testosterone cypionate while working at the pharmacy.

The arrest warrants indicate the alleged offenses occurred between March 1, 2010, and March 31, 2010, and on Aug. 24, 2010. The complainant was J.T. Shiflett with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, according to court documents.

The N.C. Board of Pharmacy, in an order issued Sept. 21, 2010, suspended Tetterton’s pharmacist’s license, according to the board’s website. The order informed Tetterton she had the right to request a hearing on the suspension within 60 days of the order being served on Tetterton.

The website doesn’t indicate if Tetterton requested a hearing or the results of that hearing, if one was conducted. That website indicates Tetterton no longer has a pharmacist’s license issued by North Carolina.

About Mike Voss

Mike Voss is the contributing editor at the Washington Daily News. He has a daughter and four grandchildren. Except for nearly six years he worked at the Free Lance-Star in Fredericksburg, Va., in the early to mid-1990s, he has been at the Daily News since April 1986.
Journalism awards:
• Pulitzer Prize for Meritorious Public Service, 1990.
• Society of Professional Journalists: Sigma Delta Chi Award, Bronze Medallion.
• Associated Press Managing Editors’ Public Service Award.
• Investigative Reporters & Editors’ Award.
• North Carolina Press Association, First Place, Public Service Award, 1989.
• North Carolina Press Association, Second Place, Investigative Reporting, 1990.
All those were for the articles he and Betty Gray wrote about the city’s contaminated water system in 1989-1990.
• North Carolina Press Association, First Place, Investigative Reporting, 1991.
• North Carolina Press Association, Third Place, General News Reporting, 2005.
• North Carolina Press Association, Second Place, Lighter Columns, 2006.
Recently learned he will receive another award.
• North Carolina Press Association, First Place, Lighter Columns, 2010.
4. Lectured at or served on seminar panels at journalism schools at UNC-Chapel Hill, University of Maryland, Columbia University, Mary Washington University and Francis Marion University.

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