SOUND OFF, Aug. 21
Published 7:40 pm Monday, August 20, 2012
Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.
People who call Sound Off need to learn how to speak proper English before they complain about anything.
I was walking my dog over by the children’s park on the waterfront, and he ran over to that red trashbin. The red boxes were filled with oyster shells. A rat ran out, and the dog started chasing it. That’s not a good area for a trashbin, by the children’s playground. All that debris is just going to attract rodents.
I still would like to have the court dockets in there — what they’re doing in courtrooms. I enjoy reading that. You’re doing a great job with the paper.
The performance by the Airborne All-American Chorus was awesome. It made me glad that I’m an American.
Interesting little column about caregivers by Miss Peggy there. I don’t necessarily agree with it. Every case is different. Take my case. There’s only me to take care of this person. So, what do I do if I want to take time off? Put the person in a nursing home? Abandon him? Yes, I get frustrated. Yes, I get upset sometimes. But I’m doing it because I love the person and that’s enough for me.
When you are living in an apartment, you should be conscience of the people around you that hear everything you do, and if you have assigned parking, stay in your assigned parking. And if you have visitors and guests, tell them where they are supposed to park. There’s nothing worse than coming in on a thunderstorm and somebody that doesn’t belong there has your parking space after you paid to have that spot.
To the person who feels they shouldn’t have to share the road with bicycles: when you signed your driver’s license you also signed your agreement to follow the rules of the road. So, therefore, if you don’t want to follow those rules, you need to turn in your license and ride a bicycle.
Call 252-946-2144 ext. 235 to comment, (30 seconds maximum time). (All submissions are subject to editing).