Governor says she’s proud of voter ID veto
Published 9:18 pm Monday, October 8, 2012
ASHEVILLE (AP) — North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue says vetoing a bill that would have required photo identification to vote at the polls is one of her proudest accomplishments as governor.
The News & Observer of Raleigh reported that Perdue made the comments at a Democratic Party women’s breakfast in Asheville over the weekend. She argued that more than 1 million people would have been disenfranchised if the 2011 bill had become law.
Republicans voter ID supporters say it would prevent voting fraud and the number of displaced voters is overblown.
Perdue also told the 300 people that political ads calling North Carolina broken are not true.
Republican gubernatorial nominee Pat McCrory says he’ll fix the state’s broken government and economy. Perdue is not seeking re-election this fall.