Letter to the editor: Violence in media
Published 7:17 pm Tuesday, February 26, 2013
To the Editor:
A newspaper article citing two recent studies linking childhood television viewing to antisocial behavior and criminal acts as adults is conclusive evidence that there is definitely a relationship, and we ignore this at great peril to our society. It seems clear that this is a far greater problem than gun control because it affects every family either directly or indirectly across our nation. We need to make our concerns known to the media (television, movies, newspapers “comics” and the makers of video games) that we want them to be responsible for what they market to the consumers.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that television viewing time be limited to children, and more importantly, that there should be more “prosocial” programming instead of shows featuring violence and aggression. Not only are our children affected by exposure to violence, but also those adults who may have mental problems. It is time to address the basic causes of violence in our culture.