Windley presents County budget to Commissioners.

Published 9:42 pm Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Interim County Administrator Kenneth Windley presented the 2013-14 budget message to the Tyrrell County Board of Commissioners on June 13.

“This budget has been difficult to prepare because revenue is stagnant,” said Windley.

Collection of taxes in the fiscal year 2013-14 is based on collection in the 2011-12 fiscal year audit. The tax base has had little increase.

Windley noted there were some positives in the budget.

“Health insurance increased only 3.27 percent, well below double digit increases many counties experience. Our employees are paid below the market rate so 2 percent increase is budgeted. Funds, including county, state, and federal, are available to complete the county’s sewer system phases,” he said.

There is not a rate increase planned for the water fund in the budget. Funds continue to be budgeted for the next revaluation.

“Viper radios will be in place for all sworn staff in the Sheriff’s office to better provide protection to our officers. Animal Control is fully funded for coverage seven days per week at the shelter,” said Windley.

Solid Waste expenses only increased 2.4 percent in the budget. A Beaver- Management project will begin county-wide thanks to the help of state funds.

The Veterans Office will expand officer hours slightly to provide better service.

With expansion of the sewer system, another 50 homes must be signed up to meet expectations on flow and rates.

“With the State of North Carolina’s budget in turmoil-it is not surprising that the Theater Museum in downtown Columbia will lose $8,000 in state funds. It is also disappointing that funds are not available to expand the Board of Education’s budget,” said Windley.

Windley mentioned that provided Washington County agrees, he encourages the Board to continue discussion on Non-Emergency Transports. He also applauded the County for planning to hire a separate County Manager and Finance Director.

“This will provide for better administration of our resources,” he said.

The budget is based on a tax increase from $.67 to $.69

The hearing for the budget is set for June 27.