Write Again … Looking for the right job
Published 7:28 pm Monday, August 12, 2013
The time has come. Fact is, it came a while back, but I just didn’t really want to recognize it, I suspect.
I mean, at my age, it just didn’t seem to make sense. Didn’t seem right.
All of that was in the past. Done. Over.
Well, not so. I might as well out with it. You see, I’ll just have to use that dreaded three-letter word. Right here in print for all to see: job.
That’s right. I’d like to have a job. Now, please don’t leap to conclusions, here. Let’s not be rash.
I’m not talking full-time work. Good Lord. No way. Something part-time. With certain qualifications, like not having to be outside in oppressively hot, or bitterly cold, weather. Nope. I can’t use that.
And I don’t want something that involves sitting in front of a computer screen. How confining. Boring.
Sales? Retail? Crazy hours. On your feet too much.
Teaching? Been there, done that.
Landscaping? Yard work? That’s for a younger person. I’m past that.
Night watchman? A possibility. Not outdoors in bad weather, of course. And definitely not an eight-hour shift. And no weapon.
Fact is, two, three, and, possibly, four hours at a time would be quite enough.
And not every day — whatever the nature of the work.
The ideal job for me would be something where I could combine my penchant for social interaction and propensity for loquaciousness. I loved my summer job for several years at the Wright Brothers site on the Outer Banks. Why, I even portrayed Orville a couple of mornings each week in a living history setting. I was sort of an Orville with a Southern accent, which on occasion some visitor from the more northerly latitudes would remark upon.
As for remuneration in exchange for my skills and talents, I wouldn’t ask for a lot. I’d be reasonable during that phase of the negotiation process.
Well, enough detail. If anyone has any suggestions, or leads, let me know. No rush, though.
I’m not quite sure when I could actually start this next phase of my vocational journey. Perhaps this fall, or, maybe around the first of the year, although the cold weather might be a bit of an impediment. Maybe next spring. Say, sometime in April, or better, May.
Anyway, thanks for your interest and concern.
Oh. Rather than have you contact me, let me just get up with you. That will work better.
Much better.