Davis discusses GOP’s influence in N.C. Legislature

Published 9:40 pm Friday, August 23, 2013

MONA MOORE | DAILY NEWS State Sen. Don Davis spoke during Thursday’s meeting of the Beaufort County Democratic Women.

State Sen. Don Davis spoke during Thursday’s meeting of the Beaufort County Democratic Women.

Beaufort County may not be a part of state Sen. Don Davis’ district, but that did not stop him from speaking at Thursday’s meeting of the Beaufort County Democratic Women.
Davis said he was there in his capacity as chairman of the 1st Congressional District Democratic Party.
“When I was looking at the 1st Congressional District, proportionally, Beaufort County had the highest voter turnout,” Davis said after the meeting.
Davis is in his second term as a state senator. The differences between the two terms have been like night and day, he said.
With a Republican majority in the General Assembly, Davis said, his second term had seen the Senate not extend health-care coverage, reduce unemployment benefits and cut funding for education.
“Now, more than ever, I think it’s important to really talk to our friends about voting in the next election,” he said.
As evident in the daily protests at the capital, the level of discontent was on the rise, he noted. Davis said the state had more demands on a shrinking budget and reduced resources.
“The biggest thing is I’m not here exclusively focusing on the General Assembly,” Davis said. “We have several candidates here running for office, and I just appreciate their willingness to offer themselves in public service.”