Area 4-H Group Has Busy 2014

Published 7:04 pm Saturday, July 5, 2014


Hannah and Grace Swain at 4-H Congress held at N.C. State University from June 21 to June 24

Hannah and Grace Swain at 4-H Congress held at N.C. State University from June 21 to June 24

Submitted by: Miriam Fauth

N.C. State 4 H Congress was held this year at NC State University June 21 through June 24.
The Congress is a state wide annual meeting open to 4 H youth over the age of 13.

Tyrrell County Participants were Gabby Smith, Letty Swain, Elizabeth Suter, Catherine Suter, Emily Sawyer, Grace Swain, Elana Fauth , Layah Fauth and MacKaen Coltrain.

Young 4-Hers from all over North Carolina had three full days of activities, planned for them which included Workshops focusing on Citizenship and Leadership skills, a Hands to Service project, a 4K fund raising run/walk, formal meetings to elect 4-H State Officers, AIRE interviews enabling youth to apply to National 4-H events, and a formal dance and banquet.


The first section of Congress started with younger 4 H youth, who  traveled to NC State University from all over North Carolina to compete with their winning presentations from District level.


Sam Clough, Tyrrell County 4-Her, who previously won Gold at District Level back in February, went on to compete at the state competition where he won the silver award in his category for his presentation about potatoes.

Jacob Fauth, who won Gold at District, went on to win Gold again at State level. His presentation was about Yo-Yo’s. Both Sam and Jacob were competing against all the Gold winners in their categories from all across North Carolina, so this was quite an accomplishment !


Jon Mark Swain, who won a Gold award at District with his Cecil and Leonard comedy Skit won Silver at State.


Roughly five hundred people were in attendance for 4 H State Congress this year.Layah Fauth was very honored to have been chosen to sing the National Anthem during opening ceremonies.


One main section of the evening’s meeting was dedicated to 4 H youth that were to be inducted into 4 H Honor Club. This is a prestigious 4 H Club that consists of 4 H youth that have shown outstanding community service and good character.

Nominees in the audience who had previously submitted their applications, were waiting eagerly. The revealing of accepted applications was going to be secret up until the moment.

Grace Swain was one of the applicants, and when the moment came, she was very proud to be approached by her sister Hannah (an Honor club member), handing a bright shining candle to her, in the tradition of “tapping” in newly inducted honor club members. Along with Grace 46 other very excited new members were inducted into 4-H‘s most selective society.


Susan Swain, Grace’s mother, was also there to share this very special moment with her daughter. She had been hiding from Grace, keeping the surprise.

Monday brought another honor for Grace Swain, as she was awarded a trophy for Family Consumers Science. This was an award in honor of Eloise Koffer.

Grace also had an interview in an event called ARIE over the Congress weekend. It was a formal interview to select 4 H youth to participate in National Congress, being held this coming November. This is a very competitive event with over 60 applicants. Grace Swain, was awarded a place to attend National Congress due to the high results of her ARIE interview. This is an exceptional achievement for another one of our Tyrrell County young people!  Grace Swain also holds the position of North East District 4 H President for the upcoming 2014-2015 4-H year.



Washington County residents will be proud to note the accomplishments of Creswell resident Brian Cuthrell. He held the position of North East District Vice President for the 2013-2014 4-H year, and was in the running for state Vice President.


This event is now over, but 4-H members of all ages in Tyrrell are still busy attending various Summer Camps.
Please contact Tyrrell County Extension office at 796 1581 for information about Summer Camps, and for information about all 4-H opportunities.