Bounce Up and Party: Venue gives kids a new playground

Published 7:22 pm Tuesday, August 12, 2014

JONATHAN ROWE | DAILY NEWS STELLAR: Bounce Up and Party offers a place for kids to have fun and has several different themed nights, including Cosmic Night, in which the lights go out, kids are given a glow necklace and glowing, colorful lights flash all around the facility and equipment.

STELLAR: Bounce Up and Party offers a place for kids to have fun and has several different themed nights, including Cosmic Night, in which the lights go out, kids are given a glow necklace and glowing, colorful lights flash all around the facility and equipment.


A new business in Washington welcomes area children to bounce up and party and gives parents the opportunity for some free time.

Bounce Up and Party, owned by Seth and Jared Lucas, provides a modern-day wonderland of bounce houses and games, giving children a new place to have fun and host parties, said Owner Jared Lucas. Located behind East Coast Wings, the venue, which opened Monday, was a new venture for the Lucas brothers, who also own five East Coast Wings restaurants.

“We thought the county could use a fun place for kids to go play so we found this location behind East Coast Wings,” Lucas said. “We just came up with the idea. We just had this extra square footage that was back here and we decided to turn it into something fun for kids.”

Bounce Up and Party is literally filled with an array of kids’ activities and equipment, including an 18-foot inflatable slide, two 15-foot by 15-foot moon bounces, inflatable basketball hoops, several arcade games, an air hockey table and a spider climb, which is an obstacle course-like vertical tunnel filled with straps, simulating a spider web. All have been a big hit so far, Lucas said.

“From what we’ve heard, people are coming in and saying the town needed something like this,” Lucas said. “So far, we’ve probably had like 15 kids in here and they’ve been blown away. One kid was crying because he didn’t want to leave. Moms are all about it, too. They’ve all been taking pictures and putting them on their FB page.”

Lucas said his new business, which offers hourly, daily and weekly rates, is a perfect place for kids to throw birthday parties or to just come and play. It also offers parents and guardians opportunities to drop their kids off and go on dates or just have some free time, allowing their kids to have fun in the process, Lucas said.

Lucas also envisioned it to be a place in which sports teams, youth groups and schools can come and have fun, he said. He offers field trips for schools and other organizations to come and play as well as an after-school program, giving parents a place for their kids to hang out and have fun after a long day at school, he said. Thursday, the Boys and Girls Club is scheduled to bring 27 kids to play, as part of a field trip, he said.

Lucas said he hosts several different events throughout the week like ‘Mother’s Morning Out,’ an opportunity for mothers to bring their kids by daily from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and drop them off while running errands, attending doctor’s appointments or any other reason. Friday nights from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Lucas offers ‘Date Night,’ a time in which parents can drop their kids by to play while they eat-out or catch a movie. Tuesday and Thursday nights are for kids, however, Lucas said. Cosmic night, a night in which the lights go out and cosmic lights shine a spectrum of colors around the walls and equipment while kids play. Kids are also given glow necklace during Cosmic Night and have the option of purchasing more glow-wear to enhance their experience, Lucas said.