Published 7:47 pm Saturday, February 21, 2015
The Washington Garden Club meeting was held on Feb. 13, at the Grace Harwell Senior Center. Fellowship began at 9:30 a.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mary George Hocevar at 10 o’clock. Nancy Nash led the official collect of the Garden Clubs of North Carolina. Guests Sue Jasinski, Roxanne Holloman, Mary Ellen Tyrell and Nancy Coswell were welcomed. Thanks were given to hostesses Deborah Carter, Dee Congleton, Sandra Hughes, Shirley Stone and Karen Tripp for the delicious Valentine treat that they provided.
Eleanor Broderick introduced the program, “Fragrant Shrubs for All Seasons.” Danny Lauderdale, Pitt County Extension Agent and Director of the Pitt County Arboretum, presented the program. His presentation was both informative and interesting. Members left with wonderful ideas for their landscaping.
Various business items were covered. Included was a reminder by Eleanor Broderick of the annual herb sale, which will be held on Saturday, May 2. In addition to herbs it will include pass along plants and gently used garden items. Mark your calendars for this great event! Member Celeste Wood was recently honored for her eight years of service as secretary on the state board of the Elizabethan Gardens.
Various plants and arrangements were enjoyed during the closing portion of the meeting. Numerous plant specimens were shared by Maura Graves during horticulture. Nancy Nash presented the bench show “February Gloom.” A 1937 map by the Garden Club of North Carolina was shared. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m.