Pesticide class set for mid-March

Published 7:14 pm Wednesday, February 25, 2015

PONZER — Local Cooperative Extension agencies in Beaufort and Hyde counties are gearing up to host what may be the last chance for certified pesticide licensees to get their recertification before the summer.

The classes will be held in two parts March 16 at Ponzer Community Building, 3911 U.S. Hwy 264, Belhaven. Part 1 of the course, which is for classes X, A, B, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, T and D, will be held from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and part 2, which is for class V, will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Each class is a certain classification of license. The cost of part 1 of the course is $12. It will be led by Rod Gurganus, director of Beaufort County Cooperative Extension, and Andrea Gibbs, director of Hyde County Cooperative Extension.

Gurganus said the first part of the class focuses on general education about pesticides and their applications and is open to both private and commercial licensees. However, the second part of the class is meant to provide private licensees with the opportunity for recertification. Private licensees include farmers and other private citizens who have been granted licenses. Commercial licensees include landscapers and other individuals that use pesticides for a commercial purpose, Gurganus said.

“We’ve got some commercial applicators who also need some credits so we’re putting this together to give them the chance to come in and get some credits,” Gurganus said. “This is also another chance for farmers to get some credit hours.”

Gurganus said the N.C. Department of Agriculture requires private licensees to log four hours of pesticide education every three years. Commercial licensees must log anywhere from six to 10 hours of education every 5 years, depending on which class of commercial license they have. Educational classes such as the one set for March 16 are a result of a partnership between the NCDA and N.C. State University, Gurganus said.

Gurganus said the classes are the last chance for pesticide licensees to get recertified this year.

For more information, contact Rod Gurganus at the Beaufort County Cooperative Extension at 252-946-0111, or Andrea Gibbs at the Hyde County Cooperative Extension at 252-926-4488.