Local club encourages kids to exercise

Published 7:18 pm Saturday, May 30, 2015

GETTING FIT: Young fitness enthusiasts (from left) Steven Whitford, Dillon Smith and Brant Vosburgh warm up during class at Fitness Unlimited.

GETTING FIT: Young fitness enthusiasts (from left) Steven Whitford, Dillon Smith and Brant Vosburgh warm up during class at Fitness Unlimited.

Youngsters across Beaufort County are reaping the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, thanks in part to the efforts of a local fitness club.

A few months ago, Fitness Unlimited in Washington began hosting special classes targeting kids between the ages of 10 and 14. Those taking part are appreciating the opportunity to stay active in a noncompetitive setting.

FITNESS COACH: Manny Vidal looks on as 10-year-old Dylan Woolard works out during a kids' fitness class hosted by Fitness Unlimited in Washington.

FITNESS COACH: Manny Vidal looks on as 10-year-old Dylan Woolard works out during a kids’ fitness class hosted by Fitness Unlimited in Washington.

Heading up the effort is Manny Vidal, who oversees BOCO Crossfit for Fitness Unlimited. Vidal has tailored a program specifically for youngsters.

“It’s basic movements; they don’t lift a lot of weight … it’s just kind of getting their bodies aware,” Vidal said of the kids’ classes, which were launched in March. “They’re not going to do the same intensity as the adults. A lot of it is just working on coordination and building core strength.”

KEVIN SCOTT CUTLER | DAILY NEWS SPRINTS: Hodges Manning sprints to the finish line during warm-up exercises.

SPRINTS: Hodges Manning sprints to the finish line during warm-up exercises.

Vidal’s young clients agree their efforts are worth the sweat.

“It’s really hard, but it pays off in the end,” said 11-year-old Wheeler Johnson. “Just keep working and you’ll meet your goals.”

KEVIN SCOTT CUTLER | DAILY NEWS WORKING OUT: Isaac Campbell does a series of "thrusters" during a recent kids' exercise class.

WORKING OUT: Isaac Campbell does a series of “thrusters” during a recent kids’ exercise class.

Even when the going gets rough, 12-year-old Ethan Carrow doesn’t want to quit.

“I think the best thing I’ve learned is staying with it, not giving up,” he said.

The class meets twice weekly for half-hour sessions that begin with warm-up exercises. Vidal also encourages the youngsters to work out at home.

Not only do the kids benefit from a more active lifestyle, they also work as a team and develop socially, according to Vidal.

“In the development of their bodies, they are going to get so much out of the group,” Vidal pointed out. “It’s going to help them in life, in the classroom, on the field … and it’s going to help them build their character. I’ve seen their confidence grow.”

Following up on the success of the initial classes, Fitness Unlimited has announced plans to host a series of kids’ camps this summer. Each is open to boys and girls between 10 and 14; space is limited so parents are encouraged to register early. Sessions begin June 15 and run through Aug. 20,

“It’s for any kid, any fitness level,” Vidal said. “Just come with a good attitude.”

Collin Midyette offered a bit of advice for anyone signing up for summer camp or future classes.

“Just work very hard,” the 10-year-old said.

For more information, call Fitness Unlimited at 252-975-7400 or email Vidal at vidalpeakfitness@gmail.com.