My turn: Beaufort County public school issues — teacher assistants
Published 5:04 pm Monday, September 7, 2015
Over the last couple of weeks there have been several issues that affect Beaufort County Schools. One of those issues is the North Carolina State Budget which I hope is resolved while I am writing this opinion article. Beaufort County Schools and Beaufort County Community College should never have to start the school year without an approved budget. It causes all sorts of complications.
I believe the N.C. Republican legislature is comprised of reasonably intelligent people. In fact many are very smart I am sure. As individuals they function well but as legislative bodies they appear incompetent at assembling and approving a 2015-16 budget.
Politics is the art of compromise. Everyone does not get their way. Various legislators are blaming other legislators or at least that is what is being reported. Any way it is put, the process is presently flawed because it does not get done by the target date. Maybe they need to reevaluate the schedule to complete a budget. The differences between the Republican House and Senate are so great that it is possible to think they are of two different parties instead of one.
Corporations do budgets all the time and complete them when they need to. Of course, they have a boss and employees must comply and complete their work on time. In politics you are just one vote and in the legislature, the leadership controls what goes on. Possibly the Republican legislature needs to evaluate those they have picked for leaders. Sometimes, even personalities can be a barrier.
Of supreme importance to the schools is the fate of the teacher assistants. The Senate wants to decrease class size to 15 students and increase the number of teachers. The House wants to keep them. I side with the House. Decreasing class size requires finding more classrooms and increases infrastructure cost as more classrooms may have to be built. Something most school districts cannot afford. Also, where are the additional teachers going to come from? There is already a shortage of teachers. Which is more effective, having smaller class sizes or teacher assistants? Does anyone really know for sure or would it be change for the sake of change?
Under many circumstances, teacher assistants or more teachers may work equally well. In high poverty counties like Beaufort, I believe teacher assistants are beneficial and needed for the role they play. It provides a lot more flexibility in the classroom.
The Senate has made an offer to the House to fund teacher’s assistants. Under the proposal schools would not be allowed to move funds to pay for teachers. This seems odd and unwise to me. The Senate wants more teachers; the House favors teacher assistants. Why not provide the funds to the schools and let them decide? Do they not know what their needs are?
Republicans are in control of both legislative bodies. Aren’t Republicans in favor of more autonomy, local control of schools? As a Republican, I sure am. There always seems to be a tendency of government to micromanage and the needs of rural areas are different than those of urban areas.
The Beaufort County Board of Commissioners voted to fund the nine teacher assistant positions that would be eliminated by the senate’s proposed budget. They need to be congratulated for that decision and their continued support of Beaufort County Schools. Hopefully the North Carolina State budget will address those needs after approval. The one question that remains; what does the future hold? What is the future of teacher assistants in North Carolina? Education in North Carolina always seems to be under constant change. Too much change is disruptive to schools and the education process. In my opinion, change needs to be evolutionary not revolutionary. If revolutionary change is deemed necessary, perform a controlled trial first.
Al Klemm is a retired Beaufort County Commissioner.