Incumbent, newcomer win seats on Aurora Board of Commissioners

Published 9:49 pm Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Town of Aurora held elections for two seats on the Aurora Board of Commissioners, resulting in one newcomer to the board and an incumbent victory.

John Farrow, elected for the first time, and W.C. Boyd Jr., an incumbent who has served on the board for the past two and a half years, pulled in the most votes, beating out newcomer Michael Ireland. Out of 128 total votes, Farrow received 93, Boyd Jr. received 78 and Ireland received 55.

Farrow said before running for office, he was active in the community, especially with the town’s recreation department, which is why he believes people recognized what he stands for and the type of person he is, he said.

“I feel excited,” Farrow said. “I appreciate the hard work that a lot of people put in for me. It just blows my mind that I did win. I’m definitely overjoyed because of the response that we got. The people know me, and they spoke, and that’s why I have to do all I can to hear them and help them. The key is getting out there and seeing what (the people) are about and encouraging them we can do better.”

Boyd Jr. said he is happy as far as how the votes turned out and is impressed with the voter turnout.

“I thank all the people that came out to vote today,” Boyd Jr. said. “We have 128 people that came out to vote on a nonpresidential election. We had a big turnout. Let’s continue to move forward and bring Aurora back to where it used to be.”

The vote totals are unofficial until the Nov. 10 canvassing by the Beaufort County Board of Elections.