Local man receives state Crime Stoppers award

Published 4:48 pm Tuesday, November 17, 2015

KEVIN SCOTT CUTLER | DAILY NEWS AWARD WINNER: Lt. Kelly Cox of the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office is the recipient of the statewide Crime Stoppers Coordinator of the Year award.

AWARD WINNER: Lt. Kelly Cox of the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office is the recipient of the statewide Crime Stoppers Coordinator of the Year award.

A Beaufort County law enforcement officer has been recognized for his hard work with the presentation of a statewide award.

Lt. Kelly Cox, a Beaufort County sheriff’s deputy and coordinator of the county’s Crime Stoppers program, received the 2015 Coordinator of the Year award during a recent Crime Stoppers state conference held in Dare County.

“It was a total surprise,” Cox said. “Without the board members that we have I wouldn’t be able to receive that award. They support everything I do.”

Karen Ball, a retired lieutenant of investigations and crime prevention specialist in Beaufort County, is now a civilian board member of the local Crime Stoppers group and secretary of the state board.

“The local board makes the budget and supports anything Kelly wants to do,” Ball said.

The board raises funds throughout the year through special events, donations and restitution through court fees. That money, in turn, is used to pay out rewards for tips and to purchase promotional supplies to help spread the message of Crime Stoppers in the community.

One component of that message is assuring local residents that they are not being snitches by providing tips; they are actually being good citizens.

For the Coordinator of the Year award, local boards throughout North Carolina were urged to nominate their spokesperson, according to Ball. A state committee then chose who they feel has done the best job promoting Crime Stoppers.

Cox said he was pleased to bring the award home to Beaufort County, but he was quick to share the credit.

“My name is on the award, but it should have every board members’ name on it,” Cox said. “It’s nice to be recognized … but it took everybody to do it. Sheriff Ernie Coleman has supported the Crime Stoppers program 110 percent; whatever I’ve needed I’ve always had his blessing.”