Take advantage of the warmer temperatures

Published 6:40 pm Tuesday, February 16, 2016


With the snow from last week melted away and signs of spring being right around the corner, there are several opportunities to take advantage of the sunshine and warmer temperatures.

Beaufort County Cooperative Extension has its Master Gardeners training program slated for the beginning of March. For those who have a desire to learn more about gardening and would like to serve the community through receiving a wealth of gardening knowledge, the Master Gardeners program is a great option. The program is a way to get out and meet people and learn skills that could aid not only in personal endeavors, but could also allow participants to host educational talks at schools and in other settings and give people instruction about how to solve their gardening obstacles.

For the avid adventurer, there are many opportunities to get out and about in the wake of the emerging spring weather. For one, there is Goose Creek State Park, which offers several walking trails to see nature, including the Pamlico River, Goose Creek and forests in the park. There are also 14 camping spots and two group camping spots that are available for those wishing to spend the night outdoors and make more than one day out of the scenery the park has to offer.

Sound Rivers, an organization that advocates for the Tar, Pamlico and Neuse rivers, has three camping platforms in Beaufort County that, for a small fee, offer a chance to spend the night overlooking the Pamlico River or one of its tributaries. The easiest way, and perhaps the only way, to access the platforms is taking a canoe or kayak out on the river and paddling to a desired platform. The excursion will offer a chance to see the scenic Pamlico River and its native flora and fauna.

For the fitness buff that doesn’t belong to a gym or that wants to exercise outdoors, Beaufort County Community College’s IMFITT Trail provides that opportunity. The mile-long trail includes outdoor exercising equipment designed to provide the option of a full-body workout. The trail and its equipment are open to the public and also have signage that gives instruction on how to maximize the workout capability it offers.

The warm temperatures and sunshine are a perfect opportunity to get out and enjoy the environment Beaufort County has to offer. Whether it’s working out, adventure or honing one’s green thumb, there is a little something available for everyone. Take advantage of it.