Bath Elementary kicks off Relay for Life fundraising

Published 4:15 pm Monday, February 22, 2016

BATH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAT DAY: Students and staff at Bath Elementary School kicked off their fundraising efforts for Relay for Life by paying $1 to wear a hat. Pictured (back row from left) are Mindy Davis (team captain), Landon Cahoon, Kim Bissette; (front row from left) Rosa Sanchez-Spruill, London Evans and Tyson George.

HAT DAY: Students and staff at Bath Elementary School kicked off their fundraising efforts for Relay for Life by paying $1 to wear a hat. Pictured (back row from left) are Mindy Davis (team captain), Landon Cahoon, Kim Bissette; (front row from left) Rosa Sanchez-Spruill, London Evans and Tyson George.