John Small Elementary seeks to end ‘R’ word use

Published 5:33 pm Monday, March 7, 2016

JOHN SMALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL END THE WORD: Students at John Small Elementary School were asked to sign a banner, pledging to stop using the words “retard” or “retarded.”

END THE WORD: Students at John Small Elementary School were asked to sign a banner, pledging to stop using the words “retard” or “retarded.”

From John Small Elementary School 

On Friday, March 4, Amy Craft, an exceptional teacher at John Small Elementary School, and her class sponsored the “Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign.”

“Spread the Word to End the Word” is an ongoing effort to raise the consciousness of society about the dehumanizing and hurtful effects of the word “retard(ed)” and encourage people to pledge to stop using the ‘R’ word. The campaign is intended to engage school organizations and communities to rally and pledge their support.

This word has been associated with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities since its inception. Over 43 U.S. states have passed or introduced legislation to remove “mental retardation” from laws and replace it with more respectful, people-first language, such as “the girl with disabilities.” Another way to think about it: If Joe slips and breaks his foot, he is not a broken-footed person. He is Joe with a broken foot.

On the way to or from lunch, teachers were asked to stop at the table in the front hallway and allow their children to pledge not to use the words “retarded” or “retard” and sign their name on the designated banner. Teachers shared educational videos on the topic in preparation for the event.

The campaign to get students to take the pledge to end the use of the ‘R’ word is a part of the anti-bullying initiative that John Small has incorporated. For more information, visit