S.W. Snowden competes in Battle of the Books

Published 2:22 pm Tuesday, April 19, 2016

S.W. SNOWDEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BATTLE OF THE BOOKS: The S.W. Snowden Battle of the Books team competed in a countywide competition recently. According to team member Louis Adams: “At first I was feeling confident but eventually I got nervous when we were behind.”  Fellow member Danielle Harrell said, “When we started the completion I felt scared because all the other schools had so many team players, and a little excited because I was actually at the Battle of the Books tournament.” Danielle also felt so happy for Snowden’s team when they won. Amya Smith relates that she was nervous because she had seen that all the other teams had more players than SWS. Amya also felt excited when they added all the points and saw that SWS had won. Luis Tello was confident as the team walked in, but when they did the practice round and they told the teams the rules, he got nervous. Luis also felt like it was over for the SWS battle team, until they added up the points and then we saw that we won! Team member Isaiah Waldron felt kind of nervous at first, and then he started getting confident. When he saw the points being added up and realized SWS had won, he felt like all his hard work had paid off. When he saw his coach happy with tears, he felt good for himself and his whole team. The team will go on to Regional 1 competition, which will be in Hertford on April 22. Three of the S.W. Snowden’s Elementary Battle of the Books team members display their first-place medals: (from left) Davida Pearson, Louis Adams and Amya Smith.

BATTLE OF THE BOOKS: The S.W. Snowden Battle of the Books team competed in a countywide competition recently. According to team member Louis Adams: “At first I was feeling confident but eventually I got nervous when we were behind.” Fellow member Danielle Harrell said, “When we started the completion I felt scared because all the other schools had so many team players, and a little excited because I was actually at the Battle of the Books tournament.” Danielle also felt so happy for Snowden’s team when they won. Amya Smith relates that she was nervous because she had seen that all the other teams had more players than SWS. Amya also felt excited when they added all the points and saw that SWS had won. Luis Tello was confident as the team walked in, but when they did the practice round and they told the teams the rules, he got nervous. Luis also felt like it was over for the SWS battle team, until they added up the points and then we saw that we won! Team member Isaiah Waldron felt kind of nervous at first, and then he started getting confident. When he saw the points being added up and realized SWS had won, he felt like all his hard work had paid off. When he saw his coach happy with tears, he felt good for himself and his whole team. The team will go on to Regional 1 competition, which will be in Hertford on April 22. Three of the S.W. Snowden’s Elementary Battle of the Books team members display their first-place medals: (from left) Davida Pearson, Louis Adams and Amya Smith.