Options are positive

Published 6:31 pm Friday, April 22, 2016


The education system in Beaufort County has no shortage of options.

Students have the opportunity to experience their own preference of education methods, whether public, charter, private or homeschool.

The public school system is offered in any municipality, but Beaufort County is lucky in that it has a solid group of educators within those classrooms. The passion and love for the child is evident at all grade levels, and the shrinking funds do not deter the educators from giving it their all.

As for charter and private schools, the county also has a breadth of options. Washington Montessori is one-of-a-kind in this area because of its child-centered philosophy focused on independence and freedom. It’s not for every child, but for those who flourish in that environment, it’s just right. Students even come from other counties to be a part of the Montessori program.

Private, Christianity-based schools are also offered in Beaufort County. These smaller schools are yet another way for students to have a more one-on-one experience, while also receiving an education tailored to their particular values. Again, it’s not for everyone, but it’s important for the option to be there for families.

Lastly, there is of course the option for homeschooling. Students can work at their chosen pace and focus in on particular topics of interest. They can work as slowly or as quickly as they wish, and the family has control over the child’s education.

The point of having all of these options available is to ensure the educational needs of all students in Beaufort County are being met. Not every child is the same, and that means not every school should be the same.

With a diverse system, students can succeed in their education, whether in need of structure or preferring an independent environment.

It’s just another way Beaufort County is working to improve its education system and make it better for the students.