Speak up, speak out

Published 6:42 pm Thursday, April 28, 2016

When it comes to government, especially at the local level, many people want their voices to be heard. In Washington, when it comes to the public meetings, those same residents want the voices of the mayor, City Council members and others speaking at those meetings to be heard.

Yes, there is a sound system in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building. It works — when speakers speak into the microphones. That does not always happen. In recent months, people attending City Council meetings, Planning Board meetings and other public meetings have complained they have difficulty hearing and understanding what council members, the mayor, board members, city staff and members of the public addressing those bodies are saying. When those folks speak into the microphones placed throughout the Council Chambers, their remarks are, for the most part, clear and understandable.

Unfortunately, not all speakers make sure to talk into to those microphones. That’s a shame. When conducting public business during public meetings, the council and other boards and commission need to make sure their members can hear one another and others. Anything less is a disservice to those seeking information before making decisions that affect many people. The public deserves to know who is speaking and what that person is saying.

As for you council members, board members and speakers at the podium, please speak loudly and clearly into the provided microphones. If need be, place a written reminder by each microphone so those using them will remember to speak up. It’s tough enough getting people to attend public meetings. If they can’t hear what is being said, that could prevent them from trying to participate in local government. That should not happen.

It’s a safe bet that speakers who don’t take full advantage of the sound system at City Hall are not doing so purposely. Speak up in a loud, clear voice. The public wants to hear what you are saying, even if they don’t agree with it.