Safe fun in the sun

Published 7:37 pm Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The shining sun and familiar humidity can only mean one thing: summer is right around the corner. A seemingly never-ending winter has given way to a short springtime as temperatures have already risen pretty high.

The warmer weather means afternoons spent on the Pamlico River or in the pool. Summer vacation for students can be spent taking trips to the beach or spending a day on the golf course, among all sorts of other outdoor activities.

However, one must be careful to protect oneself from the sun. Bad sunburns can increase one’s risk of skin cancer.

The first step is covering up or using sunscreen. The best way to protect one’s skin from sun damage is by not allowing the sun to reach it. Sometimes that’s not possible, especially when trying to get a tan at the pool or beach. That’s where sunscreen comes in.

When applying sunscreen, it’s better to use too much than too little. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests using a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. Moreover, it’s important to apply it more than once. Sunscreen should be reapplied at least every two hours — more so if swimming or sweating is occurring.

Leisurely activities like spending time at the beach or pool aren’t the only time one could be at risk of sun exposure. Summertime hobbies and chores like gardening require one to spend plenty of time under the beating sun, too.

The Mayo Clinic notes that the sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. To minimize risk, it is suggested that one plans outdoor work for outside that six-hour window. If that’s not possible, make sure to cover up and use sunscreen when necessary. Try to limit time spent under the sun and work in the shade whenever possible.

Summer is a wonderful time, especially in this area. It would be a shame to waste it inside all day every day, but making the necessary precautions to protect one’s skin will help ensure a safe and fun summer — and pay off for a lifetime.