Richland Seniors Club discusses upcoming events

Published 8:21 pm Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Richland Seniors Club of Aurora met on May 2 at the Senior Club.
Vice President Ann Cayton opened the meeting asking Mary Galloway for devotionals. The Lord’s Prayer was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Kristen Hamilton from DSS spoke to us about available transportation for our seniors day trip scheduled for June 7 to the Aquarium in Pine Knoll Shores. She also passed out forms to be completed for the trip. Kristen also asked for volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels to folks in need in our area. If you can help, please contact Kristen at 252-940-6063.
Barbara Jones asked club members to save box tops and labels for our school and presented examples of items needed.
Club members discussed entertainment for the December Senior Christmas party, thanked Ken Lilley for installing the new toilet and sang “Happy Birthday” to our May birthdays.
The club voted to donate $100 toward entertainment for the upcoming Fossil Festival. Ann Cayton led the members in exercising arms using cans of soup for weights, followed by finger exercises.
The 50-50 drawing was won by Ann Windley, who donated it back to the club.
A covered dish lunch was served and followed by a lively game of Bingo called by Ken Lilley.