Eastern Elementary shows teacher appreciation

Published 6:11 pm Tuesday, May 17, 2016

EASTERN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER APPRECIATION: Eastern Elementary School teachers were truly shown appreciation for their hard work during Teacher Appreciation Week. PTA provided a sandwich and salad bar for the teachers to enjoy in the library while Washington High School students assisted and watched over their classes during the lunch period. This is not only an exciting day for the teachers, but the students of EES love having the older students of WHS to look up to and talk to during lunch time. Eastern Elementary School and Washington High School have always had a great relationship in making these students come full circle in their education in Beaufort County. Eastern Elementary is very thankful for their assistance in days like this throughout the year.

TEACHER APPRECIATION: Eastern Elementary School teachers were truly shown appreciation for their hard work during Teacher Appreciation Week. PTA provided a sandwich and salad bar for the teachers to enjoy in the library while Washington High School students assisted and watched over their classes during the lunch period. This is not only an exciting day for the teachers, but the students of EES love having the older students of WHS to look up to and talk to during lunch time. Eastern Elementary School and Washington High School have always had a great relationship in making these students come full circle in their education in Beaufort County. Eastern Elementary is very thankful for their assistance in days like this throughout the year.