Down East Seniors hear from BCCC Foundation

Published 7:27 pm Friday, June 10, 2016

The Down East Seniors Club held its June 8 meeting at the Blind Center of North Carolina in Washington. President Ed Hamrick led the meeting. Jim Hackney played for the singing of “God Bless America” and Charlie Mike Smith gave the invocation. Dick Paul provided humor.

Gene Schwartz introduced Serena Sullivan, executive director of Beaufort County Community College Foundation. Sullivan said the mission of the foundation is to provide broad community support for BCCC in achieving its educational goals. The foundation achieves this mission by soliciting private gifts of money, property and services that it manages. Currently the foundation manages a little over $2.3 million. Gifts of any amount will be accepted; an endowment requires a gift of at least $5,000. Gifts may be cash donations, bequests, retirement accounts, charitable remainder trusts, insurance policy beneficiary, real estate and other property. The foundation exists because approximately 80 percent of BCCC’s students need some financial assistance to complete their course of study. The foundation holds several fundraising events each year including a golf scholarship invitational, a garden tour, a campus campaign and Gullfest.

Charles Lueck won the 50/50 drawing.