Washington (evening) Rotary learns about finances

Published 7:29 pm Friday, June 10, 2016

The Washington (evening) Rotary Club met Thursday evening at the Washington Yacht & Country Club. After a social period in the Upper Deck, members gathered in the Pamlico Room for dinner and business. President David McLawhorn called the meeting to order, and Zeno Edwards led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Russell Smith guided the club through one verse of “My Country ’Tis of Thee,” and Bruce Rabon gave thanks for the meal.

After dinner, Zeno Edwards shared the health and happiness report and Bill Wall shared the early results of the Charlie Griffin Fishing Tournament held June 4. The tournament was the most successful in the club’s history. Charlie’s family made an appearance to express their appreciation and share in the exciting day with over 45 fishing participants.

President McLawhorn then introduced club member and speaker of the evening, Archie Jennings. Archie is a well-known Washingtonian, having served on the Washington City Council for four years and as mayor for four years. He manages 72 financial advisors in 14 offices for Wells Fargo, throughout eastern North Carolina. Archie gave a very informative overview of current financial markets and answered many questions from members. For doing an outstanding job, he was presented the highly coveted Rotary pen. The meeting came to an end as James Gaynor led members in reciting The Four Way Test of The Things We Think, Say and Do.