‘Born Learning’ trail comes to Belhaven

Published 10:23 am Monday, July 18, 2016

The Beaufort County Public Health Department recently partnered with United Way to install a “Born Learning Trail” in Belhaven, located outside the Boys & Girls Club. The trail is a mile long and has 10 different stations, each with a different activity for parents or guardians to do with children of all ages. Activities include things such as listening, imagining, counting and physical activity. The trail is designed to get parents and guardians involved with their children so that together learning can be encouraged at a young age. These trails support early learning in children by using everyday opportunities as teachable moments and by creating fun, physical activities in an outdoor environment. The trail was installed by a group of Beaufort County Public Health Department volunteers and United Way Director Sally Love on June 18. Volunteers worked on all parts of the trail, including painting sidewalk activities like ABCs and hopscotch in different areas of the trail and installing learning posts throughout the mile-long trail to continuously keep children engaged and active. These community partners invite you to go out and enjoy the new trail with your children. Fun and active learning awaits.