The role of retailers and consumers

Published 9:25 pm Sunday, September 4, 2016

Let us continue this week with our topic from last week: “working together.” We spoke last week about two major players in this effort — retailers and consumers.

This week, let us concentrate on two more members of this team — our local government and our media. These two are key to any revitalization efforts in any small town the size of Washington. Before we begin, let me say these are my thoughts only.

Downtown revitalization in any manner will help create new jobs, creating new investment opportunities and hopefully will bring more dollars to our community, all of which are news worthy.

The media thus becomes a key component in our efforts to revitalize the central business district. Radio, TV and newspapers can help publicize our progress and growth in the central business district. Our local TV and radio stations enjoy broadcasting from our waterfront and projects our best natural resource (the Pamlico River) to millions of their viewers and listeners. Hopefully, this will attract many visitors who may not have planned a trip to Washington to reconsider and make this their destination shopping and dining venue, again, helping our economy.

Our local newspaper does a splendid job helping portray a positive image to its many readers. In many small towns and cities, this article would not appear in their papers. The WHDA and myself are appreciative for giving us this opportunity to express our thoughts, and working jointly with us in placing advertisements to promote local retailers and meet consumers and the characteristics of our market.

The second member of this team is our local city government. Without the support of this group, it is truly doubtful that any progress in our revitalization effort could come to fruition. So, what have they done, you may ask? Thanks to the City Council, our wayfinding project will be completed within the year.

This will help guide visitors to different areas as they enter our city for the first time.

People’s Pier has been erected on the waterfront for locals and visitors alike to enjoy. Many different groups use Festival Park, which attracts large numbers that hopefully will visit our business district. Stewart Parkway is one of the most beautiful passages in eastern North Carolina. Our dock master’s lighthouse has been built and maintained for boaters wishing to dock in Washington. Recently, there was the addition of a person to assist and maintain our business district to keep it neat and clean for businesses and people shopping to enjoy. Could they do more? Sure, but let us remember that any initiative takes time, and the projects mentioned did not happen overnight. We are especially thankful for their generosity and support, or the WHDA would only be a dream. Simply put, our local government must be an active participant if our downtown is to grow and become the economic center of our city and the gateway to Beaufort County.

In conclusion, these were two groups that have stepped up, and now, we must do our part by shopping, dining and playing in beautiful Washington, North Carolina.

Please do not forget the WHDA’s major fundraiser, Pickin’ on the Pamlico, Sept. 24 at Festival Park. Show us your support by buying tickets and attending. We are here to serve you! Until next week, please take a walk with the H-Rob!

Harold Robinson is the executive director of the Washington Harbor District Alliance.