Board of Education spotlight series: Mac Hodges

Published 3:59 pm Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Mac Hodges has been serving on the Beaufort County Board of Education since 1984. One might say he has made a career out of supporting the students of Beaufort County Schools.

When Hodges became a Board of Education member 32 years ago, he was elected to represent the city schools, and over that span of years, he remained faithful to the board through the merger combining the Washington City Schools and the Beaufort County Schools.

He has seen seven superintendents, as well as schools closing due to asbestos, flooding and consolidation.

But after all the experiences, he has remained faithful to putting the education of the students in the entire county first on his list of priorities.

Board Chairman Terry Williams describes Mac Hodges in this way: “Dedication. This is the first thing to come to mind when speaking of Mac Hodges. Dedication to the students, parents, staff and school board in Beaufort County. Mac Hodges has been dedicated to the stakeholders in Beaufort County Schools for 32 years. His years of service show his undeniable commitment to improving the educational opportunities of our students. Mr. Hodges is truly an example of what a Board of Education member should be as the voters continue to return him to the board term after term. This speaks volumes of his character and outstanding integrity within our community.”

Hodges is very active in his role on the Board of Education and can balance his busy work schedule with the meetings involved in his role as board member. He also serves as our representative on the board of the Northeast Regional School of Biotechnology and Agriscience.

Hodges is also very instrumental in establishing the Northeast Regional Ag Expo, which is held each fall promoting agriculture-related careers to the students in the northeast region of North Carolina.

Hodges is married and lives in the Old Ford community. He works with North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation. Beaufort County Schools is fortunate to have such a dedicated board member to serve and promote public education in the county.

Over the next several weeks, the Daily News will be highlighting Beaufort County Board of Education members, as part of a spotlight series about the members’ backgrounds and their roles on the board.