Richland Seniors host September meeting

Published 4:56 pm Friday, September 16, 2016

President Marlou Reid opened the Sept. 6 meeting by asking Mary Ellen Galloway for devotions, then led in the Lord’s Prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The roll was taken, minutes were read, and in the absence of the treasurer, no report was given.
Alice Briley reported plans are underway for the Christmas program, the first Saturday in December, local talent will be our entertainment, featuring Judith Chapman on the keyboard with gospel and Christmas songs, and Ken Lilley will also be on tap for Christmas sing-a-longs. All seniors are invited; mark your calendars. Refreshments will be served; materials for our gift-box fundraiser are ready for use. She then read a “thank you” card from St. John’s Church on Main Street (food bank) for our donation.
Ann Cayton reported the good news that she did not send out any get well cards for August, and reminded the club to bring items for Ruth’s House.
Guest Barbara Jones spoke of her activities with Meals on Wheel, after learning of the need for volunteers. She and Anna Jones are volunteering one week a month. A huge “thank you” to both of them.
Dot Leffel won the 50/50 drawing. Ann Windley led the group in seated exercises. Mary Ellen read an amusing poem, then said grace before lunch.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Mathias, secretary