Health department to spray for mosquitoes

Published 5:47 pm Thursday, September 22, 2016

Recent rains have created an increase in mosquito numbers and the Beaufort County Public Health Department plans to begin spraying for mosquitoes this week as conditions warrant. Spraying will be completed between dusk and dawn. If rainy or windy conditions are present, spraying will be postponed. Spraying will be concentrated in areas showing high levels of mosquito activity.

Anyone who is experiencing a mosquito problem is urged to call the Environmental Health Department at 252-946-6048 to log a concern. This information will help in determining areas to spray.

If you have any beehives or newly constructed fishponds, please call environmental health, so spraying can be avoided in those locations.

Please remember that most mosquito problems are the result of breeding sites around the home. Spraying is not effective in controlling these mosquitoes.

The following practices should be followed to help eliminate mosquito-breeding sites around the home:

  • Empty or throw away containers in one’s yard that can collect water, such as tires, buckets, bottles, toys, etc.
  • Change water in pet bowls, birdbaths and flowerpot saucers at least twice a week.
  • Clean clogged rain gutters.
  • Repair leaky outdoor faucets.
  • Keep water from accumulating on tarps and boat covers.


Protect oneself from mosquito bites by:

  • Covering exposed skin by wearing long sleeves and long pants;
  • Avoiding outdoor activity when mosquitoes are most active such as dusk and dawn;
  • Avoiding areas with heavy mosquito activity;
  • Using repellents on exposed skin (always read and follow the label instructions);
  • Inspecting window and door screens and repair any holes.


Bio-friendly larvacides, commonly known as “mosquito dunks,” can be purchased at local garden and hardware stores. These will control larval growth in wet areas around the home for several weeks without harming other animals.

For additional information, please contact Beaufort County Public Health Department’s Environment Health section at 252-946-6048 or visit