The formation of 3 councils

Published 8:58 pm Sunday, October 2, 2016

Once again, let me begin by thanking all the people, merchants and friends for supporting our Pickin’ on the Pamlico! It was a great event and one that we hope will continue and be a benefit to our central business district. Thanks to the WHDA staff and board members for all that they did, along with the many volunteers who helped. With that said, let us move on to today’s topic, the formation of three councils.

It has been my intention over the last few months to form three councils, and I am so sorry for not doing so. They would be a retail council, restaurant council and service/professional council. Like our volunteers, they would serve as an earpiece and sounding board for the WHDA. Let us, for the sake of space, combine the retail and restaurant councils, even though they will be separate once established.

Having the owners of these establishments telling us what we can do to help them will be a valuable instrument for our toolbox. It would be a way for them to help increase their sales, improve the value of their respective businesses and also help with the quality of life for our downtown area. Having their opinions, ideas and especially their thoughts can only grow our central business district while adding more vibrancy and enthusiasm that we all enjoy. Their ideas will also be beneficial in the promotion and advertising of downtown Washington and will fuel the existing community pride in our port city.

The third group of businesses is the service/professionals that also have offices in our business district.

This group is a catalyst for our downtown image, its pride and the variety of services offered.

These businesses can help us generate a healthier economy by adding more business, thus stopping leakage to other cities from our current base. Their efforts as a council will help the WHDA continue building on the positive and enthusiastic atmosphere by adding new markets in areas of the central business district.

It was my intention to have these councils formed by now, but it will never be too late, and I do apologize. With the cooperation our merchants have shown the WHDA thus far, it will not be hard.

They are the greatest group any man could work with and for, and we only want to make it the best!

Again, in closing, thanks for the generosity and kindness that has been shown to me since February, and it is truly Washington at its finest! Until next week, please shop, dine and play in beautiful downtown Washington, N.C., and if you have time … take a walk with the H-Rob!

Harold Robinson is the executive director of the Washington Harbor District Alliance.