Bath Ruritan donates to elementary school

Published 6:55 pm Monday, November 7, 2016

Recently, third-graders at Bath Elementary were surprised with a special donation of personal resource books from the Bath Ruritan Club. Students were very excited as representatives from the community organization passed out the combination thesaurus and dictionary copies to all three third-grade classes. Students will be better able to access non-fiction information, incorporate language skills and practice locating text features. The resource books will help students develop the strong, general knowledge and vocabulary they need to become successful readers and be prepared for college, career and life. According to the goals and objectives of the Common Core/English language arts, informational texts play an important part in building students’ content knowledge.  It is vital for students to have extensive opportunities to build knowledge through texts, so they can learn independently. Teachers Katherine Holt, Jessica Hux and Sharon Morris are appreciative and thankful for community support from the Bath Ruritan Club with its generous donation of these practical resources. Students from Sharon Morris’ third-grade class are pictured with Elwood Swain, Boyd Stokes and Gordon Pippin.