How retirees can help Washington

Published 4:54 pm Monday, November 7, 2016

In preparation for this article, it was one of the more interesting studies for me to date. Being a member of the “baby boomer” generation and being a retiree myself, it never occurred to me the strength the retirement industry can bring to Washington and Beaufort County. Thus, our article for today will be how the retirees can help our central business district.

One of the fastest growing industries today is the retirement community. More of the 50-plus age group retiring daily and 13,000 people turning 50 each day in America only fuels the growth of this industry. A recent study conducted by Jacksonville State University found that 77 percent of this age group has our country’s largest personal assets. Sixty-eight percent of all the money market accounts and more than 50 percent of all corporate stocks are owned by this age group. And we want to turn them away?

This could be the very spark that ignites our central business district and helps it grow. Also, retirees will increase our retail sales and property tax base while increasing our volunteers in churches and civic groups. This group of people should be welcomed to our city as it supports the very substance for which our city stands. Many are looking for the essence of what Washington is all about — favorable climate, good medical service, quality housing and safe and quiet neighborhoods. We can offer this to many, along with the beautiful Pamlico River! Now that is a deal!

Washington offers all of the above, and locals should reach out and embrace anyone who can help us grow our business district and never turn them away. We all know that our small town is the best, and now is the time for us to help attract this industry to our port city. How? By just being ourselves. Continue living the very values our parents were so insightful enough to have taught us: welcoming everyone and being hospitable to all.

If we can help our business district grow and prosper, then we will all grow in many ways. Please remember as you start shopping for Christmas this year to try our retail stores first. These are our friends and the first ones we call on when we need help. If you get the chance, always shop, dine and play in beautiful Washington, and if you get the time … take a walk with the H-Rob!

Harold Robinson is the executive director of the Washington Harbor District Alliance.