Grace Lutheran celebrates 25th anniversary

Published 5:31 pm Tuesday, November 22, 2016

For a quarter-century, Grace Lutheran Church has served hundreds of parishioners during its tenure.

Chartered in November 1991, the church celebrated its 25th anniversary on Nov. 13, welcoming almost 100 people — past and present members — to its service with Bishop Tim Smith of the state synod preaching.

Grace Lutheran also raised $1,100 for the Boys & Girls Club’s “Healthy Eating, Healthy Living” initiative.

The congregation was able to swap stories, telling of the church’s beginnings, which included meeting in different homes before the church building was built.

“It was really amazing because I heard some stories about the founding of the church and the eventual building of the church building and the congregation that I had never heard,” said Pastor Ben Kifer, who has been at the church for three and a half years. “It was a great celebration.”

CHURCH LEADER: Pastor Ben Kifer has been with the church for more than three years. He said he has no doubt it is where his family is meant to be.

CHURCH LEADER: Pastor Ben Kifer has been with the church for more than three years. He said he has no doubt it is where his family is meant to be.

Kifer said one of his favorite stories he heard is that of the circular window with a cross, gracing the front of the sanctuary.

When the builders went to cut the glass for the window, they measured one way on the circle, assuming all sides would be equal. Unknown to them, the weight of the building had pressed down on the opening, forcing it into an oval shape.

Kifer said the congregation had to rework the window to allow the glass to fit.

“From what they’ve said, it took a miracle to happen,” he said. “It’s like you uncover little miracles that made the church possible. … You know that you’re a part of a group of people that have been doing God’s work.”

Although Kifer has only led Grace Lutheran for a short time, he said it meant a lot to him to be a part of the big milestone. He said he has no doubt that his family is meant to be here.

“There’s no question that the Lord brought my wife and I here,” Kifer said. “We know that we’re part of a special church family.”

As for the next 25 years, Kifer said he hopes to see the congregation continue to grow, both in number and their outreach efforts.

He said he is looking forward to continuing the church’s relationship with its community, and pushing toward a bright future.

“We really try to ask two questions: are we being disciples, and are we making disciples?” Kifer said.