A moment for reflection

Published 5:08 pm Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Before digging into the turkey and battling off the food coma with hours on the couch watching football, take a moment this Thanksgiving to reflect on everything in life for which there is to be grateful.

Feel free to jot down a physical list with pen and paper, or even on a phone. If not, just make a quick mental note of some of the things that are great in life as this holiday season gets in full swing.

Right now, a lot of folks immediately think of family, friends, clothes on one’s back and a roof over one’s head. There’s the feast waiting to be consumed, and a comfortable place to enjoy dessert and football.

Some have their good health for which to be thankful. Beaufort County’s students may be appreciative of their teachers for helping them achieve a successful academic career, while adults may be happy with where they are in their jobs.

Whatever it is that makes up this list, there are people in the community that aren’t nearly as fortunate. Some aren’t graced with good health, while others may not be particularly happy with where they are in life right now.

Still others hardly have any of the aforementioned. There are some in our county who not only have no family to spend the holidays with, but will struggle to find shelter and a meal. Thankfully, organizations like Eagle’s Wings, Zion Shelter and many of our local churches work tirelessly this time of the year to provide for these people.

After reflecting on everything there is to be thankful for, perhaps spend a minute thinking of how to help one’s neighbor. Local organizations are always looking for volunteer help and volunteering is always a fantastic gift to give this time of the year.

At the very least, offer a kind word to a stranger. Even the smallest sincerities can be uplifting and turn a bad day into a good one.