Eastern Elementary teachers earn certification

Published 5:36 pm Sunday, November 27, 2016


Two teachers from Eastern Elementary School recently renewed their National Board Professional Teaching Standards Certification. Both teachers originally became National Board-certified in 2007. This certificate is renewed every 10 years.  Achieving National Board certification is a high honor achieved by over 112,000 educators across the United States.

Kimberly Jacobson has been teaching students in kindergarten through sixth grade for over 14 years. She became certified in early and middle childhood literacy, which focuses on students aged 3-12.

“Literacy is my passion. I love giving students a strong literacy foundation, which will help them soar into all future endeavors,” Jacobson said. “Over the past nine years, I have also worked with educators pursuing National Board certification with NCCAT and my former LEA to support teachers as they seek this amazing professional-development experience. I highly recommend this to every educator.  It will be well worth your time, plus the reflection piece makes you an even better educator.”

Jennifer Williams has been teaching pre-kindergarten at Eastern Elementary School for over 18 years. She became certified as an early childhood generalist in 2007.  The early childhood generalist certificate focuses on teaching children ages 3-8.

“I have enjoyed working with young children and their families for many years. I love providing a positive first-school experience for my students and watching them grow and learn. Becoming a National Board-certified teacher has been an experience that has helped me grow as an educator because the process encourages teachers to constantly reflect on improving instruction for students,” Williams said.

TOP-NOTCH TEACHER: Jennifer Williams (center) teaches pre-kindergarten students (from left) Carson Barrett, Tamia Rodman and Tony Munoz Morgado. (Eastern Elementary School)

TOP-NOTCH TEACHER: Jennifer Williams (center) teaches pre-kindergarten students (from left) Carson Barrett, Tamia Rodman and Tony Munoz Morgado. (Eastern Elementary School)