Life lessons and chilidogs

Published 12:05 am Monday, February 6, 2017

Washington is fortunate to have many fine restaurants and eateries in and around our central business district.

Looking back at our history, there were two drive-ins that touched the lives of many young people as they were growing up – Carver’s Drive-In and Shoreview Grill. These were institutions within themselves and a good, clean place to share stories of the day.

Let me first start with Carver’s, as it is the one I was the most familiar with growing up. It was located off Third Street and next to Runyon Creek (where Inner Banks Outfitters is today) and just below the railroad crossing. Thinking of Carver’s, we think of chilidogs and the best crushed ice anyone could get with a Coca-Cola. Most were tasting crushed ice for the first time, and the ice could be flavored with vanilla or cherry, but still good. It was a true drive-in with waitresses (carhops) who came to your car for your order. On days after a hot football practice, everyone gathered at Mrs. Carver’s. Girls and boys would meet there in the afternoon after school, and the parking lot would be full. Some might have even skipped school to run to Carver’s for lunch and then back to school without being caught. Ten-cent chilidogs, hamburgers and hotdogs were a specialty and all prepared by Mrs. Carver. Her home was beside the drive-in (now Backwater Jack’s), so there were many long days, but regardless, she always had a smile for her customers. Those in my generation will never forget Mrs. Carver and Carver’s Drive-In!

Once again from the book by Ursula Loy and Pauline Worthy, there were tales of yet another drive-in prior to Carver’s named Shoreview Grill or Web’s. Like Carver’s, it was situated in the same general location and catered to the high school and returning college youth. Webster Alligood established Shoreview, and so many of life’s lessons were taught there over a 15-cent hamburger. Shoreview or Carver’s proved to be in many cases a gathering place not common for today’s youth.

These two establishments helped many young men and women learn about a smile and hard work ethics from these two owners at the formative time in their lives. It is my wish that there would be a place for today’s youth to visit like Carver’s or Shoreview Grill.

Let me conclude these ramblings for today with a reminder of our central business district and the storeowners. These very kind people are the owners, much like the Carvers and Alligoods, who are trying to strengthen and sustain our harbor district.

At no other time in the rich history of our city do they need us to be supportive! They are one of us, and they only ask that we give them a chance. That is certainly not asking too much. The WHDA is doing its part. Are you?

When you do come to beautiful downtown Washington, please shop, dine and play, and if you are not too tired, take a walk with the H-Rob!

Harold Robinson is the executive director of the Washington Harbor District Alliance.