Support for a deserving cause

Published 4:22 pm Tuesday, February 14, 2017

In about a week and a half, Washington will host the inaugural Race for Epilepsy Half-Marathon/5K.

This race, scheduled for the morning of Feb. 25, brings to light an illness that may not receive as much attention as it should.

An average of 150,000 people in the United States develop epilepsy each year, and one in 26 people has it during his lifetime, according to data from the Epilepsy Foundation.

Epilepsy is an illness characterized by recurring seizures caused by abnormal brain cells, scar tissue, malformation or other underlying conditions, according to the Foundation.

Beaufort County has high numbers of residents with cancer and heart-related diseases, but not much is said regarding epilepsy. This doesn’t make the disease any less important or any less harmful to a person.

With the Race for Epilepsy, organizers are looking to raise awareness for the disease, and proceeds will go toward CURE Epilepsy, a nonprofit that supports research of the disease.

“Historically, epilepsy has been neglected, feared, and misunderstood. A veil of secrecy surrounding the disease has resulted in myths, superstitions and a general lack of knowledge. This has impeded scientific progress toward finding answers to one of the oldest-known and most prevalent neurological diseases, leaving treatment and research efforts in the dark ages,” the CURE Epilepsy website states.

Everyone is invited to participate in the inaugural Washington race, and if one is not up to running a long distance, a fun run/walk is also available. Entry fee for the half-marathon is $50, but that price may increase after Saturday. Entry fee for the 5K race is $20, and could also increase as the race day draws closer. The fun run has a flat $5 entry fee.

This is a worthy cause. Residents should take the time to show their support for those who suffer from epilepsy, as well as be willing to play a role in funding research.

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