Happiness takes a lot of work

Published 3:46 pm Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Norway is the happiest country in the world, and the United States trails way behind at No. 14, according to this year’s World Happiness Report.

The U.S. fell one spot from No. 13 last year.

“We’re becoming more and more mean spirited. And our government is becoming more and more corrupt. And inequality is rising,” Columbia University’s Jeffrey Sachs stated in an Associated Press report. “It’s a long-term trend and conditions are getting worse.”

The World Happiness Report assesses 155 countries, looking at the gross domestic product per person and life expectancy, as well as social support, freedom, generosity and governance.

No. 14 out of 155 doesn’t sound so bad, but considering all of the opportunities here in America, it is a little shocking. The bottom line: Americans aren’t the happiest people in the world — by far.

What might seem like a trivial report actually speaks to a widespread problem that has trickled all the way down to America’s small communities.

People don’t trust one another anymore, and they certainly reserve no trust for those with governing power. Success is only measured with dollar figures, which opens the door to dishonesty, greed and impersonal interactions. The desire to hold onto freedom has begun to backfire by breeding more fear than actual freedom.

Yes, these statements are true even in Beaufort County. But just as small communities have been affected, so can they turn the tide back in a positive direction.

Thank goodness the sincerity of giving one’s word is still alive in Beaufort County. Neighbors who grew up together still want to help one another. Many visitors refer to Washington as one of the friendliest places around. That’s a good start.

There’s still work to be done, however, on petty political disagreements, “my church” versus “their church,” and childish behavior all the way up to the top.

Residents should expect more out of their county and always strive for better.

Bringing America back up to speed starts right here at home.