How athletics can generate dollars for the city

Published 5:29 pm Sunday, April 30, 2017

Over the years, I have learned the value that athletics/athletic events can have on the economy of a town. Having participated in several of these events and having even held a few, I have seen the economic impact they have on a town. They not only add to the town’s economy, tournaments also can serve as a recruiting tool for economic development. There are some that will dispute this, so please let me begin.

Athletic tournaments (soccer, baseball, softball, etc.) bring people to a city! When children are involved, families will travel to see them play. These families must eat, sleep and buy gas in the city the tournaments are in. During breaks between games, parents want to shop and sometimes buy needed supplies for the team. Restaurants could arrange box lunches that could be sold at a minimal fee and delivered to the tournament site. This would help tournament officials as well as our local merchants.

Did you realize that 83 percent of visitors want recommendations where to go and shop? We can help our visitors, and we all need to be at our best when a tournament is being held in our city.

Secondly, our Susiegray McConnell Athletic Facility could host these events. These tournaments can generate money for Washington and our central business district, as well as showcase our beautiful historic city. Figure, if there are 30 teams and each team has 15 players, there would be 450 participants, along with mamas, daddys, siblings, grandmas and granddads. This could total over 1,000 visitors for a weekend. So, let us encourage our leagues to host tournaments and continue doing the fine job at the Susiegray McConnell Complex.

Another twist to the athletic approach has been shown over the last five years when Pam Pack athletic teams have either won or finished second in state championship events. This has brought statewide acclaim for our city while rallying our citizens like never before. Community support and school morale was at an all-time high, and memories were created that will last a lifetime.

Finally, we have discussed many times the value of return visitors to our central business district. Events like the above mentioned can provide us a real opportunity to showcase our town and just how much we care for our youth! When someone sees that a city cares for its youth, by providing excellent athletic opportunities and facilities, it shows just how much we care. We never know who is looking to relocate either his family or even his business. By showing others how much we care, it only makes them want to return! This is truly a hidden treasure that has not even been tapped.

In conclusion, regardless of the vehicle, let us all work together to continue to show our visitors just how proud we are of what we have and always guard against complacency and strive for progress. We can do that by supporting all merchants and showing them just how much we care about them and the great job they do! Remember that other businesses will come if we show that Washington will support the ones we have! Please give them the first chance and always shop, dine and play in beautiful Washington, N.C., and if you are not too tired, you can take a walk with the H-Rob!

Harold Robinson is the director of development at the Washington Harbor District Alliance.