It’s easy to be spoon fed opinions

Published 7:01 pm Wednesday, May 10, 2017

“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert unintentionally summarized the way the vast amount of America consumes news — especially news of the political nature. While “Late Show” is entertainment and cannot be considered news, when Colbert announced to the studio audience that FBI director James Comey had been fired, the reaction was telling.

Comey was responsible for investigating Hillary Clinton’s email scandal down the stretch of the most recent presidential election. It coincided with eventual-president Donald Trump gaining traction in the polls at the expense of Clinton.

So, the overwhelmingly liberal “Late Show” crowd gave the news of Comey’s dismissal a standing ovation. It was understandable since the national media narrative had been that Comey’s actions, in some ways, may have cost Clinton the presidency.

Except they forgot that they were supposed to like Comey now that he was supposedly investigating Trump’s ties to Russia. Colbert retorted, saying that the audience must be chock full of Trump supporters because he didn’t get the reaction he expected.

As soon as it got another chance, his crowd booed the same discussion it cheered initially. It was a jaw-dropping microcosm of one of America’s biggest problems today: the national-media outlets, on both sides, spoon feed opinions to their consumers.

Entertainment is not journalism. Journalism is meant to provide the audience with the facts on all sides of an issue. Readers, listeners and viewers once consulted outlets for those facts so that they would be able to form opinions of their own.

The Washington Daily News strives to do just that at the local level. Reporters work to gather the facts pertaining to local issues and happenings, presenting them to readers in a clear and concise manner. The goal is to educate the audience on these matters; to give readers the facts so that they may form their own opinions.

It’s a dying breed of journalism. Whether it’s the Washington Daily News at the Beaufort County level or another outlet for national and international news, be vigilant. Seek facts and education rather than a well-spoken comedian or political commentator who will tell one what to think.