Change is a good thing

Published 4:40 pm Friday, July 14, 2017

Washington Harbor District Alliance recently announced its intention to move the Farmers and Artisans Market to a new, indoor location on Main Street in the old McClellan’s department store building.

After this year’s market moved to the corner of Water and Bonner streets, some residents were unhappy about the lack of parking available, especially if there was an event at nearby Festival Park. The market cannot move back to the Crab Park area on the western end of Stewart Parkway because of park improvements.

A local farmers market is a treat for Washington’s residents. It gives customers the first choice on locally grown, fresh products from neighbors. There is nothing quite like the experience of strolling along the waterfront or grabbing a bite to eat, then stopping by the tents to pick out produce, crafts or baked goods.

Yes, an indoor farmers market doesn’t have the same feel of an outdoor one, and renovating McClellan’s will certainly cost a substantial amount, but it could turn out to be a positive change.

An indoor market means these events won’t be cancelled due to weather, and there will be much more space for vendors. It also allows for year-round sales of seasonal products.

There may be some skeptics of WHDA’s latest plans, but let’s give the idea a chance. It would be a positive thing for Main Street, which still has a bevy of unused buildings falling into disrepair. It would also be positive for local vendors and Beaufort County as a whole.

WHDA’s indoor Harbor District Market idea is different, but change is a good thing. The Alliance should make sure it has the funding sources available to use for this project, and then formulate a detailed plan to see it through.

Smart, innovative ideas like this are what Washington needs to make use of its historic properties and bring Main Street fully into a new chapter.