Evening Rotary achieves platinum, welcomes retired executive

Published 3:05 pm Friday, August 18, 2017

The Washington (evening) Rotary Club held its weekly meeting at the Washington Yacht & Country Club on Thursday evening. After a social period in the Upper Deck, members moved to the Pamlico Room for dinner and business.

After one verse of “America,” Phillip Cochran led in the Pledge of Allegiance, and Russell Smith gave thanks for the meal. Dr. Zeno Edwards conducted the Jack of Diamonds fundraiser and various members shared in the health and happiness report.

David McLawhorn presented the club its recent award from Rotary International. The club achieved platinum status — the highest level awarded by Rotary — as an outstanding club. As the evening club approaches its 100-year anniversary, it continues to be a leader in the Rotary family.

After the presentation, Russell Smith introduced the guest speaker. Dan Jensen, a retired Volvo executive after 30 years of service, was the factory representative for overseas delivery. Jensen is a Greensboro native and moved to Washington three years ago after spending 30 years in California. He explained the very interesting process of traveling overseas to see your car built and escorting it back to the states. His experience in dealing with a wide variety of clientele made for an entertaining talk. Dan has a very positive, almost contagious attitude about life and is very happy to be in Washington. He was awarded the highly coveted Rotary pen for his presentation.

As the meeting closed, Serena Sullivan led in the Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do.